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Punktid.com supports different project and events that are related with computer or console gaming and that help develop the gaming community. One of our main values is quality so we put a lot of emphasis on quality and we also choose sponsorship projects based in this value. The size of the sponsorship depends on the goal of the project and Punktid.com’s current opportunities to offer sponsorship.

If you are organizing an event or project and would like to see Punktid.com supporting it with our products then make sure that your project includes the following:

• A small description of the project (goal, background,when will it take place etc)

• How many participants are expected?

• What are your expectations to the sponsor (products and quantity)?

• A precise overview on who will receive the products

• What kind of promotion are you able to offer?

• A list of other sponsors / partners and what is their role in your project

• Are there opportunities for a longer lasting cooperation? If so, what kind of opportunities?

• Are there ways to promote Punktid.com’s products on site? If so, specify the ways.

• What are Punktid.com’s possibilities to promote itself during your project / event?

• Applicant’s name, phone number, email address and the name of the organization being represented.

A sponsorship application has to be sent to us at least one month before the beginning of you project / event. If you are planning a project / event on a bigger scale, then contact us even earlier.
All sponsorship applications have to be sent in writing to our email address [email protected]

DIGITAALINEN TOIMITUSKoodit lähetetään sähköpostiisi
ASIAKAS VOITTAASäästä Punktidin avulla
YLI 10 VUODEN KOKEMUSOlemme toimineet vuodesta 2009