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Ostaa Verkosta: Silent Hill 2 [Remake] (PC)

47.99 69.99
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Myyjä: MOGA

Jos olet jo asentanut Steam Clientin ja sinulla on Steam-tili, ohita ensimmäinen vaihe.

1. Lataa ja asenna Steam Client.
2. Avaa Steam Client -ohjelma
3. Jos sinulla ei ole Steam-tiliä, valitse "Create a new Account"
4. Jos sinulla on jo Steam-tili, kirjaudu sisään.
5. Paina "+ Add a Game" -kuvaketta sivun vasemmassa alakulmassa
6. Valitse "Activate a product on Steam".
7. Noudata näytön ohjeita ja syötä koodi, jonka olemme lähettäneet sinulle
8. Steam todentaa koodin muutamassa minuutissa
9. Paina "Library" nähdäksesi pelin.
10. Paina peliä ladataksesi sen

KäyttöjärjestelmäWindows 10, 64-bit
Intel Core i7-6700K / AMD Ryzen 5 3600
Kiintolevy(Vapaa tila)
50 GB available (SSD recommended)
GPUGraphics: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070 Ti / AMD Radeon RX 5700 DirectX: 12

Having received a letter from his deceased wife, James heads to where they shared so many memories, in the hope of seeing her one more time: Silent Hill. There, by the lake, he finds a woman eerily similar to her...

"My name... is Maria," the woman smiles. Her face, her voice... She's just like her.

Experience a master class in psychological horror―lauded as the best in the series―on the latest hardware with chilling visuals and visceral sounds.

High-end Graphics and Sound: With ray tracing and other cutting-edge technical enhancements, the world of SILENT HILL and its unsettling ambiance is even more real than before. And with the inclusion of new, immersive soundscapes, you'll feel like you're standing in the thick of it.

Larger Environments: Explore locations and buildings that were once inaccessible, or are newly added in the remake. Enjoy the same acclaimed story, even while you experience the town of Silent Hill with fresh eyes across an expanded map.

Over-the-shoulder Camera: The remake moves from the original's fixed-camera viewpoints to an over-the-shoulder perspective, putting you closer to what James sees, for a more thrilling, more immersive experience as you explore the town and come face-to-face with monsters.

Evolved Combat Gameplay: Familiar weapons like the steel pipe and handgun make their return, but now with an updated combat system. Avoid attacks with carefully timed dodges, aim down sights, and more, making monster encounters more engaging and nerve-wracking then ever.

How will I receive my game?

A digital code will be sent to your email address which you will then be able to redeem in Steam. Then you can just download, install, and enjoy your new game! You can find more specific instructions under the Code Activation Guide.

Why should I prefer Punktid’s online store?

Price – thanks to our digital delivery we can skip the delivery and packaging costs which allows us to sell the games under the recommended retail price.
Trustworthiness – We have thousands of positive feedbacks in Trustpilot and our average rating is 5/5. We always do our best to make the experience as smooth and fast as possible for our customers.
Experience – We have been on the market since 2009 and know everything about gaming so we can help you with pretty much every question. And even if we don’t know – we’ll find out and try to help you anyway!

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  • Hinta – digitaalisen toimituksemme ansiosta voimme ohittaa toimitus- ja pakkauskulut, jolloin voimme myydä pelejä alle suositushinnan.
  • Luotettavuus – meillä on tuhansia positiivisia palautteita Trustpilotissa, ja keskimääräinen arvosanamme on 5/5. Teemme aina parhaamme, jotta kokemus olisi asiakkaillemme mahdollisimman sujuva ja nopea.
  • Kokemus – olemme olleet markkinoilla vuodesta 2009 ja tiedämme kaiken pelaamisesta, joten voimme auttaa sinua lähes kaikissa kysymyksissä. Ja vaikka emme tietäisi – otamme selvää ja yritämme auttaa sinua joka tapauksessa!
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