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Ostaa Verkosta: Planet Zoo - Grasslands Animal Pack (DLC)

5.99 9.99
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Seller: MOGA

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KäyttöjärjestelmäWindows 7 (SP1+)/8.1/10 64bit
Intel i5-2500 / AMD FX-6350
8 GB
Kiintolevy(Vapaa tila)
16 GB
GPUNVIDIA GeForce GTX 770 (2GB) / AMD Radeon R9 270X (2GB)

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Official Steam activation code for redeeming the game Planet Zoo - Grasslands Animal pack on your Steam account.

The original game "Planet Zoo"  (not included in this offer) is required to use, respectively, play the contents of the DLC.

The Planet Zoo Grasslands Animal Pack features eight diverse animals who all reside in natural steppes, plains and prairies across the world, including the striking maned wolf, emu, and nine-banded armadillo. All these animals are connected through the grass they call home, whether using it to seek sanctuary, graze, or stalk prey. In addition, take on the fun new campaign scenario based in the picturesque surroundings of Argentina.

8 AMAZING NEW ANIMALS! Introducing the maned wolf, emu, caracal, red-necked wallaby, nine-banded armadillo, striped hyena, blue wildebeest, and five colourful species of butterfly ! One pack, eight diverse additions. These incredible animals will delight your guests with their unique characteristics: armadillos preen themselves, and even raise up on two legs to sniff the air; caracals' ears flop and jiggle as they bound around; hyenas' hair raises when fighting or stressed; emus peck and play with the disco ball enrichment item, and juvenile wallabies frolic with their parents by tugging on their head fur!

BUILD THE BUTTERFLY EXHIBIT! Brighten up your zoo with a beautiful assortment of butterflies and welcome in five eye-catching species: cloudless sulphur, European peacock, menelaus blue morpho, monarch, and old world swallowtail. Educate visitors on the fascinating lives of Planet Zoo's first flying insects as they flutter to and fro. Plus, build the new walkthrough butterfly exhibit and house all five of them together in the game's only multispecies exhibit.

NEW CAMPAIGN SCENARIO! Head to the untamed grasslands of Argentina for this all-new campaign scenario. Teach rich socialite Tiffany Summers how to properly care for animals as you relocate the diverse inhabitants of her sprawling mansion to more suitable surroundings – and in the process, earn her a permit so she can keep them legally. Good zoo management, it turns out, does not involve feeding animals caviar!

How will I receive my game?

A digital code will be sent to your email address which you will then be able to redeem in Steam. Then you can just download, install and enjoy your new game! You can find more specific instructions under Code Activation Guide.

Why should I prefer Punktid’s online store?

Price – thanks to our digital delivery we can skip the delivery and packaging costs which allows us to sell the games under the recommended retail price.
Trustworthiness – We have thousands of positive feedbacks in Trustpilot and our average rating is 5/5. We always do our best to make the experience as smooth and fast as possible for our customers.
Experience – We have been on the market since 2009 and know everything about gaming so we can help you with pretty much every question. And even if we don’t know – we’ll find out and try to help you anyway!

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  • Hinta – digitaalisen toimituksemme ansiosta voimme ohittaa toimitus- ja pakkauskulut, jolloin voimme myydä pelejä alle suositushinnan.
  • Luotettavuus – meillä on tuhansia positiivisia palautteita Trustpilotissa, ja keskimääräinen arvosanamme on 5/5. Teemme aina parhaamme, jotta kokemus olisi asiakkaillemme mahdollisimman sujuva ja nopea.
  • Kokemus – olemme olleet markkinoilla vuodesta 2009 ja tiedämme kaiken pelaamisesta, joten voimme auttaa sinua lähes kaikissa kysymyksissä. Ja vaikka emme tietäisi – otamme selvää ja yritämme auttaa sinua joka tapauksessa!
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