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Ostaa Verkosta: Kerbal Space Program (PC)

5.19 39.99
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Myyjä: EXTkeys

Jos olet jo asentanut Steam Clientin ja sinulla on Steam-tili, ohita ensimmäinen vaihe.

1. Lataa ja asenna Steam Client.
2. Avaa Steam Client -ohjelma
3. Jos sinulla ei ole Steam-tiliä, valitse "Create a new Account"
4. Jos sinulla on jo Steam-tili, kirjaudu sisään.
5. Paina "+ Add a Game" -kuvaketta sivun vasemmassa alakulmassa
6. Valitse "Activate a product on Steam".
7. Noudata näytön ohjeita ja syötä koodi, jonka olemme lähettäneet sinulle
8. Steam todentaa koodin muutamassa minuutissa
9. Paina "Library" nähdäksesi pelin.
10. Paina peliä ladataksesi sen

KäyttöjärjestelmäWindows Vista or 7
Core 2 Duo
Kiintolevy(Vapaa tila)
1 GB

Official Steam activation code for redeeming the game "Kerbal Space Program" on your Steam account.

In KSP you must build a space-worthy craft, capable of flying its crew out into space without killing them. At your disposal is a collection of parts, which must be assembled to create a functional ship. Each part has its own function and will affect the way a ship flies (or doesn't). So strap yourself in, and get ready to try some Rocket Science! The game offers three gameplay modes: Sandbox, in which you are free to build anything you can think of; Science Mode, which lets you perform Scientific experiments to advance the knowledge of Kerbalkind and further the available technology; and Career Mode, in which you must manage every aspect of your Space Program, including administration strategies, Crew Management, Reputation, as well as taking up Contracts to earn Funds and upgrade your Space Center Facilities (or repair them). Add to this the ability to capture asteroids (a feature done in collaboration with NASA), Mining for resources out across the furthest reaches of the Solar System, Constructing Bases and Space Stations in and around other worlds; plus literally thousands of mods from a huge active modding community, all add up into the award-winning game that has taken the space sim genre by storm.

The Vehicle Assembly Building and the Space Plane Hangar allows players to build spacecraft out of any imaginable combination of parts. 
Fully-fledged, Physics-based Space Flight Simulation ensures everything will fly (and crash) as it should. 
Take your Kerbal crew out of the ship and do Extra Vehicular Activities. 
Fly out to Moons and other Planets. 
Procedural Terrain delivers detailed terrain at a vast scale. The Kerbal Planet is 600km in radius! 
Mod-enabled, allows players to create new content and modify the game. 
Ship systems. Keep an eye out for engine temperatures and fuel levels, and try not to explode. 
Build ships with multiple stages, and jettison parts away as they burn out. 
Full control over the ship’s setup allows for complex ships and advanced functionality. 
Dock spacecraft together to build Space Stations, Massive Starships, or even surface bases on other worlds. 
Manage your crewmembers, hire them, and send them out into space and make them into heroes. 
Research and Develop new technologies to advance your Space Program. 
Take on Missions to attract interest in your Space Program. 
Discover new worlds and expand the scientific knowledge of Kerbalkind. 
Extract valuable resources from all over the solar system. 
And a whole lot more!

How will I receive my game?

A digital code will be sent to your email address which you will then be able to redeem in Steam. Then you can just download, install and enjoy your new game! You can find more specific instructions under Code Activation Guide.

Why should I prefer Punktid’s online store?

Price – thanks to our digital delivery we can skip the delivery and packaging costs which allows us to sell the games under the recommended retail price.
Trustworthiness – We have thousands of positive feedbacks in Trustpilot and our average rating is 5/5. We always do our best to make the experience as smooth and fast as possible for our customers.
Experience – We have been on the market since 2009 and know everything about gaming so we can help you with pretty much every question. And even if we don’t know – we’ll find out and try to help you anyway!

Miksi minun pitäisi suosia punktid.fi-verkkokauppaa?

  • Hinta – digitaalisen toimituksemme ansiosta voimme ohittaa toimitus- ja pakkauskulut, jolloin voimme myydä pelejä alle suositushinnan.
  • Luotettavuus – meillä on tuhansia positiivisia palautteita Trustpilotissa, ja keskimääräinen arvosanamme on 5/5. Teemme aina parhaamme, jotta kokemus olisi asiakkaillemme mahdollisimman sujuva ja nopea.
  • Kokemus – olemme olleet markkinoilla vuodesta 2009 ja tiedämme kaiken pelaamisesta, joten voimme auttaa sinua lähes kaikissa kysymyksissä. Ja vaikka emme tietäisi – otamme selvää ja yritämme auttaa sinua joka tapauksessa!
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